Who Are You Going To Believe?

Misleading marketing, bait and switch ads, to good to be true promises, click bait. We are living in cynical times. Whatever you say about your business is considered with a jaded eye by your potential customers.

You are never going to read a better blog post than this.  Of all the blog posts ever written – this one will double your income, get you overnight results, make you more attractive, help you lose weight… and solve all your biggest business problems without you having to lift a finger.  It’s the magic pill.

Marketing puffery.   We all see it every day.   

Misleading marketing, bait and switch ads, to good to be true promises, click bait. We are living in cynical times. Whatever you say about your business is considered with a jaded eye by your potential customers.

If you’re looking for a way to improve your marketing, the key might lie in using testimonials. Testimonials are positive comments and reviews from your customers that can help promote your business and increase sales. They are incredibly powerful pieces of marketing collateral, and if used correctly, they can help boost your bottom line.

Testimonials can help build trust and credibility with your audience. If potential customers see that others have had positive experiences with your business, they will be more likely to do business with you as well. Its why online reviews are so popular, people trust what others are saying about your business far more than what you say.

How To Collect Testimonials

When collecting testimonials, it’s important to get them from a variety of sources. Fortunately, we’ve in the glorious age of the internet and online reviews abound.  Since they are already in public domain, you can copy them to use in your marketing materials.   Try to get testimonials from customers who have had different experiences with your business. For example, testimonials from both first-time buyers and repeat customers, testimonials from customers who have purchased a specific product or service, or testimonials that share how your product or service has helped solve a problem for a customer. 

 You should also try to collect testimonials that discuss different aspects of your business, such as customer service, shipping, delivery or takeout, appointment booking and product quality. The more diverse your testimonials are, the more impact they will have on potential customers.

A really simple strategy is to collect them when they are said directly to you.  Ask the customer if it’s okay if you write down their comments so you can use it in your marketing.  Compliments are often given in person immediately after someone has enjoyed something specific and comments captured them can be very dynamic.

“This was the most fun we have had in a long time, we are so glad we bought tickets to come to your tequila tasting night.  We met so many new friends and learned so much – and the dinner was delicious too!  When’s the next one?!”  

– Dave Johnson, Argyle, MI

When you are rated by critics positively, written up in “best places” guides, get newspaper coverage, make sure you use it in your marketing.  Even better is celebrity testimonials or comments.

All of these go a long way to establishing your credibility and give people a stronger reason to trust that choosing you is the right decision.  Why keep it a secret?

How To Use Testimonials

Once you have collected testimonials, it’s important to use them effectively in your marketing. The best way to do this is to showcase them prominently on your website, in social media, in print marketing and customer emails or newsletters.  When you get enough testimonials, you may want to create a dedicated testimonials page on your website. Wherever you choose to showcase testimonials, be sure to highlight the positive experiences that customers have had with your business.

The more transparent you can be the better.  Use the customer’s name, or at least initials and location to add credibility.  We like to use italics and quotations marks so that the words look like they are being spoken.

“I was so pleased to pick up my car after it was serviced.  It was ready right on time and it had even been washed!”

– Sue Jackson, Pocatello, ID

4 Keys Of A “Good” Testimonial

  1. Sincere. The person is genuine and enthusiastic about their experience with you, and they are relatable where others will believe and identify with them.
  2. Specific. “It was fantastic” isn’t enough.  A useful testimonial has specific, meaningful detail, what was fantastic, why was it fantastic?
  3. Drama. The best testimonials are the equivalent of a dramatic before-and-after photo. What was the problem and how did you solve it?    
  4. Variety. Collect them constantly to cover different ages, genders, ethnicities, geographic area, backgrounds and experiences.  Cover all the potential products and services you provide.

The Science Of Testimonials

Customers have seen all sort of scandals by our politicians and religious leaders.  The Olympic Committee has been scarred by scandal.  It used to be that when you said something it was generally thought to be true. Now, “fake news” has become the norm, and people are realizing that just because something is said or written, it doesn’t mean it is true. We have been through decades of scandals involving our politicians, religious and business leaders.  It’s gotten to the point that everyone is skeptical of everything they read or hear. You need testimonials to combat that skepticism. 

In addition to that, we are inundated with marketing messages from 1000’s of sources on a daily basis.  All of this has made today’s consumer more dubious than ever.

The Business Owner may just make a claim in their marketing to lure into their business.  It may not be true at all.

There is only one way to counter this skepticism that exists with today’s consumers.

It is called a PREPONDERANCE OF PROOF that you have the best ??? in Ohio.  Prove it.  Not by what YOU say, but what YOUR CUSTOMERS say.  Use testimonials in all of your marketing.